
Nanotherapy is a branch of nanomedicine that involves using nanoparticles to deliver a drug to a given target location in the body. It's a safe and painless procedure, which does not require anesthesia.

What is it?

Is  French treatment originally developed to inject medicine into subcutaneous fat; it is now widely used for skin rejuvenation. This medines include vitamins, hyaluronic acid and phospholipids. 

They are selected indiviadually, depending on the age and skin problems of the patiet.

What can Nanoneedle Mesotherapy be used for?

- Prevention of skin aging (face, neck, décolleté, hands, scalp);

- Fine wrikles;

- Dark circles

- Biorevitalization;

- Hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating)

- Cellulite treatment

- Stretch marks and scars treatment;

How many treatment will I need?

You’ll probably need several mesotherapy sessions to get the desired effect. You should expect to return between 3 to 15 times, depending on the type of treatment being made.

What is the recovery like?

Because mesotherapy is noninvasive, there usually isn’t any downtime. Many people are able to return to their regular activities right away. Others may need to take a day off due to swelling 

What is Scalp Mesotherapy suitable for?

Is suitable for the treatment of hair loss and severe dandruff, as well as excessive dryness. This procedure allows you to act directly on the hair follicle.

For this treatment in particular, the course of treatment consist fo 7 to 10 procedure within a 10 days interval.

How long are the sessions?

A initial consultation with us is mandatory to analyse the area which will be worked. Each session can take from 30 min to one hour.