
A HydraFacial is a patented skin treatment. It’s also sometimes called “hydradermabrasion” because it involves microdermabrasion-like exfoliation paired with hydrating serums

What is it?

TheHydraFacial works to deep-clean, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin. This professional procedure may help treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne, dryness, and wrinkles.

How long does it lasts for?

The frequency of HydraFacial sessions depends on your skin type and your provider’s recommendations. Some websites recommend repeating the treatment every 4 weeks, while others encourage repeat sessions every 2 weeks.

Is it safe?

HydraFacial is a safe treatment and isn’t supposed to cause pain or redness.

Who cannot do this procedure?

There is no restriction, anyone over 18 can do it.

How long does it take eache session?

Each session will take around less than an 1 hour. A initial consultation is mandatory before any treatment.

Are there any after-care instructions?

 Unlike with harsher procedures like chemical peels, you can resume your normal activities right away.

While you shouldn’t experience any redness or peeling after your session, it’s still best to avoid exfoliating treatments for the first couple of days after a HydraFacial.