Glow Up

The Glow Facial is the “go to” treatment offered at Elements Medical, Doncaster, suitable for all skin types. This complete facial combines stages which are guaranteed to leave your skin glowing.

What is it?

 Glow Up are designed with your unique skin care needs in mind, and are suitable for anyone and everyone in need of a little relaxation and skin rejuvenation.

How long does it lasts for?

It depends on the treatment of each patient.

Is it safe?

Is a safe and effective treatment to glowing your skin.

Who cannot do this procedure?

There is no restriction, anyone over 18 can do it.

How long does it take eache session?

Each session will take around 90 minutes. A initial consultation is mandatory before any treatment.

Are there any after-care instructions?

Is recommended not use make ups, do not perform any other facial treatment after the procedure.