
Aqualyx is a safe and effective fat-dissolving injection designed to work with your body to get rid of excess fat cells. 

What is it?

Aqualyx is an injectable compound made from the deoxycholate family of acids. The product may also be called Motolese's Solution, named for the professor that introduced the drug. The acids present in Aqualyx cause fat destruction in the body. Plastic surgeons use Aqualyx for body contouring.

Which areas can Aqualyx be used?

- Abdomen;

- Tights;

- Hips;

- Double chin.

How long does it take to work?

A minimum of 2 treatments are recommended, with a 2 weeks interval between them. You will see the results after about four to five weeks. Normally there is swelling after the treatment and once that has settled down you will start to see results. 

Is it safe?

Aqualyx is a safe and effective fat-dissolving injection that destroys fat cells, which are then excreted by the lymphatic system naturally. 

Who cannot use Aqualyx?

It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast feeding. It is also not recommended for those people who have been diagnosed with lipodystrophy or any pathological conditions. It should only be used in people aged 18 - 60.

How long does it take eache session?

Each session will take around 1 hour. A initial consultation is mandatory before any treatment.

Is it painful?

The solution has local anesthetic added to it and some patients do not report pain but others say the procedure is quite uncomfortable.

How long does it take to recover from the procedure?

It varies with the patient and treatment areas but in general you can expect about one to two days.

Are there any after-care instructions?

You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment. We recommend a few session of radiofrequency and lymphatic drainage massage.