About Gabi

My name is Gabi Figueira, I'm a beauty therapist specialized in eyelashes extensions, area which I've been working for the past 7 years and I'm passionate about.

After 7 years doing beautiful lashes around London, now I've just found a new passion, which is giving training mentoring courses to share the knowledge that I've achieved in these area.

Our Staff

Sabrina Ribeiro

Nail Artist 

Leia Matos

 Brows Master / PMU Artist


 Lash Technician

Roberta Nascimento

Body Therapist | Nail Artist

Our Facility

Gabi Figueria London Studio was founded by Gabi in September 2019. It started as a lashes studio, and as the timed passed, Gabi managed to expand from a lash studio to a beauty studio.

Today, with our team of experts beautician, we provide beauty treatments at competitive prices to our clients.

To find out more about our services and to book an appoitment, contact us today.